ChatGPT Roasted My Instagram Feed (And I Roasted It Back!!!)

Suppose you're chronically online (like me), you must have heard about this new trend involving an Instagram feed and ChatGPT. The prompt is simple: ask ChatGPT to roast your feed and post it on your Instagram story. Looking at how fun the trend seemed when my friends did it, I was tempted to jump on the bandwagon...

So, dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the fact that I installed ChatGPT.

Confession: Never in a million years had I considered installing this app on my phone.

Before we start, I want to let you know something in case you are not redirected from my other social media. For more than six years, I have built my persona on Instagram as a book geek who loves both reading and hoarding books. I join this amazing community called Bookstagram where we book lovers share our passionate love for reading. My handle is @kailemra in case you're interested to see more than what I will share here (but please note that over these past few months, mine has slowly progressed into a regular photography page).

Jumping to the highlight of my day, I asked ChatGPT to roast my previous Bookstagram feed.

It certainly had a lot to say...

Well, ChatGPT, I might have a word or two as a fun response for you:
"1. Bookish Aesthetic Overload: It’s like you’re trying to summon the spirit of every literary classic at once. I mean, do you ever do anything other than read? Or is this feed just one giant ad for the "Introvert's Guide to Escaping Reality"?"
Well, duh, who doesn't want to summon the soul (and spirit) of Mr. freaking Darcy? While we're at it, do you even know Mr. Henry Tinley? I mean, this first roasting doesn't make you look very bright, ChatGPT. I'm an introvert and my bookstagram IS the ultimate guide to escape reality.
"2. Warm Tones Everywhere: The consistent color scheme is on point, but I can practically feel the sepia filter seeping into my soul. Is this Instagram or the set of a 1970s indie film?"
Why, thank you. I take it as a kind compliment.
"3. Mysterious Hand Poses: Half of these could double as ads for hand modeling. Seriously, what’s with all the delicate hand placements? I can’t tell if you’re reading or caressing those pages."
I'm not model material since I'm only 5'1 feet tall, but hand modeling has been my ultimate dream job, how can you tell???
"4. Plant Life: You’ve got a few plants in the mix, but they’re so perfectly placed it’s like they’re auditioning for a role in your next post."
It's true. These plants are paid actors. Good job, ChatGPT.
"5. Moody Lighting: The lighting is so moody, I feel like I need to whisper just to scroll through it. Are these books part of a plot twist I’m not privy to?"
Yup. They are going to suffocate your cables and hardware while you're sleeping. Beware. I will repeat once again: BEWARE!!!
"6. Coffee Shots: Because what’s an Instagram feed without a cup of coffee strategically placed next to a book? Groundbreaking."
Finally, a 5/10 roasting. Keep it up, ChatGPT. I almost thought you were too soft for this (or perhaps I am too tough to get hurt by Artificial Intelligence). You're improving. Good job!
"In short, your feed is like the ultimate book lover’s paradise, but it’s so curated I’m half expecting a butler to pop out and offer me a leather-bound edition of something obscure. But hey, you’ve got a vibe, and you’re sticking to it—respect for that!"
Just when I thought you were about to surprise me, you gave me a flattering remark instead. ChatGPT, this is disappointing. I expected more from you. Let's just move on to my more recent feed then.

 Let's see the improvement on this one.

"Alright, now we're spicing things up a bit!"
Okay, so you noticed that I changed the trajectory of my feed. Smart guy!
"1Neon Nights: That one random neon-lit photo sticks out like a sore thumb in the middle of your otherwise soft and cozy aesthetic. Are you secretly leading a double life as a 90s arcade champion?"
Well, yes, I'm secretly a double agent that has failed to win the arcade bowling championship the other day. You should read my blog more often. It's not even a secret anymore.
"2Food Porn: The cinnamon rolls and cookies look delicious, but let’s be real—you’re just trying to make us all jealous that we can’t smell them through the screen. Those baked goods are straight-up weaponized envy."
Don't be envious. I not only could smell them. I ATE THEM. Please insert an evil laugh background here (you're the tech guy, aren't you?).
"3. Plant Life, Take Two: More plants, because one can't have enough of those. But now with a side of “For the Love of Plants”? You’ve moved from just displaying them to fully romanticizing them. What’s next, sonnets?"
After I posted For the Love of Plants, that sounds like a solid plan—notice the pun, huh, smart guy? (And second strike! I get to promote some of my posts while roasting you back.)
"4. Moody Fog: That misty, foggy shot could easily double as the cover of an indie folk album. Are you trying to drop a mixtape and forgot to mention it?"
Hello, it's 2024. Are you familiar with a Spotify playlist or do I have to link it here for you? On the other note, I love Folklore and Evermore by Taylor Swift. Thanks for implicitly noticing that.
"5Books & Coffee, Again: You’re doubling down on the cozy reading nook vibe. But seriously, do you ever finish these books, or are they just props for the aesthetic?"
Okay, this one hurt my feelings. I must confront you.

All is clear now. You don't have to be so afraid.
"6. Random Orange Sludge: Is that ice cream? Mashed sweet potatoes? It's mysterious and slightly concerning, but I can't stop looking at it."
There I was, thinking you're the smart one. Have you heard about 'dough' before? D-O-U-G-H? Please look for it in your bank of data.
"6Vintage Curtains: That old-school curtain shot—straight out of your grandma's living room, right? Or are you trying to start a new trend called "grannycore"?"
You have to know that my mom will be furious if she finds out that you call her taste "grannycore". I will spare you this time (I'm so kind or what???).
"In summary, your feed is still giving off major "I read books and bake" vibes, but now with a hint of “sometimes I venture out into the world” and a sprinkle of “I’m definitely making you hungry.” It’s like the perfect blend of a Pinterest board and a hipster coffee shop that only serves pour-over brews."
I'm a huge Pinterest girlie, so this is a very generous compliment from someone who is supposed to do a roasting. I don't know how to rate you, ChatGPT, but a thank you is perhaps in order.


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