R-Rated Adult Activities (But Make It Appropriate)
Last night, I went to do grocery shopping by myself. It was a demanding task where a strategic mind was solely required. “Should I buy papaya for breakfast this week?” I assessed its size, trying to calculate how many days it would take me to eat it up. After putting the papaya in my shopping basket, along with some baby brastagi carrots and four red tomatoes, I snapped a quick picture and posted it on my Instagram story with the caption “adult activity amirite”.
I think it’s important that we can all joke sometimes about the things we need to do in the name of adulting. Life in the mid-twenties is already oh-so-serious. Let’s make it less daunting by compiling the list of (appropriate) R-rated adult activities that most of us can relate to. I'll start:
- Paying the bills. (I feel like a whole-ass different person now that I have to pay rent and electricity.)
- Grocery shopping. (It’s a ‘by me, from me, for me’ kind of thing.)
- Going to work on the weekdays and staying in on the weekends.
- Business meeting. (Sometimes a business meeting can feel like a classroom meeting and that’s okay.)
- Decluttering most of the childhood stuff. (I hate getting rid of the things that hold memories, but I hate pests more.)
- Voluntarily eating healthy food. (I'm anti-less-sugar no more.)
- Filing tax.
- Making a monthly budget. (Because money doesn't grow on trees and we girls need a brake.)
- Treasuring a nap. (I still can't believe I used to ignore a nap order as a kid.)
- Cleaning EVERYTHING. (When you're an adult, it's insane how everything starts to magically dust.)
Feel free to add more things to the list. (I love a long list.)
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