Walking in the Morning vs at Night—The Battle

Since I claim ‘health’ to be one of the topics I wish to further explore in this blog, it’s best to first underline the fact that I’m not promoting myself as a health enthusiast. I may not smoke, I may not drink, I go to a yoga class once a month or do some irregular long walking—but that’s it. I’m doing only the bare minimum.

Come to think about it, I realize that enough is not enough when it comes to our physical condition. I wonder, what's stopping me from doing more for good measure? Is it procrastination? A lack of motivation? I planned to take it up a notch once but I failed. My desire to slowly progress from walking to running was a mere pipe dream.

Looking back, I realize that it was a ridiculously ambitious move (for me). It seems highly unlikely for a shop owner to expand his business before its first branch gets the recognition it deserves. With that said, I have decided to turn walking into a regular thing. Countless studies have shown how extremely healthy it is. And I'm also just obeying my mom. She has long encouraged me to make walking a habit (aren’t you proud, Mom).

Now that it has been settled, another dilemma surfaces. When is the best time to walk? Should I do a morning walk or a nighttime one after work? Here are the pros and cons I have gathered from my previous experiences:

A Morning Walk


- Clearer air (I think?)
- Scenery: Jakarta in the morning
- Less crowded


- Must stop before the sun is too hot
- Might get sleepy during the day

A Nighttime Walk


- No need to worry about the sun
- Doesn't make you feel like you're in a rush
- Scenery: Jakarta at night
- Showering and going to bed afterward feels so good


- The air quality is not so good
- More crowded

It seems like walking at night is leading, but I haven't really decided yet.


I may not be a health enthusiast (yet), but I believe that being conscious about it is a good start. Let us consider this blog as a silent witness to a healthier lifestyle.


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